The first trial was a parody of justice. 第一次审判是对正义的愚弄。
The Court unanimously rejected such a "trial by formula," as justice dubbed it. 如大法官斯卡利亚描述的一样,法院一致否定了这种“公式化的审判”。
Construct trial achieved through regulatory mechanisms of justice at the trial, not only in their determination to achieve the state, but also in its determination of the reality of change. 通过建构审判规范机制所实现的审判正义所指向的目标,不仅在于其所能实现的确定状态,而且还在于其变革现实的确定行动。
The Jones trial was a mockery of justice. 对琼斯的审判使正义成了笑柄。
The trial was a parody of justice 这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟
The unfair trial was a mockery of justice. 那不公平的审判是对公正的一种蔑视。
The trial judge, Mr Justice mitchell, adjourned the proceedings. 庭审法官,米切尔法官先生,宣布休庭。
The presiding judge at the trial was justice Roy marshall. 审判时的主持法官是雷马歇尔。
Both can be seen as a kind of justice trial of the new justice viewpiont, also can be seen as a kind of pursuit and achievement of justice. 审判正义既可以看作是一种对正义的新解,也可以看作是一种追求与实现正义的方案。
We need the same international pressure now, before the court case, to ensure the seven men and women receive a fair trial and a chance of justice. 现在,在开庭之前,我们需要同样的国际压力,以保证七位领导人得到公平的审判和争取正义的机会。
The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
The trial was a parody of justice. 那场审判是对正义的嘲弄。
Greater effort is made in independent trial, which is a means to realize trial justice and efficiency value. 应进一步加大审判独立的程度。审判独立是实现审判公正和效率价值的手段。
From the angle of guaranteeing trial justice, there are fundamental antagonism and conflicts between the adoption of individual case supervision and independent trial and procedure justice. 从保障审判公正的角度来看,个案监督这一做法与独立审判和程序公正之间存在着基础性对立和冲突。
The trial procedure and mechanism concern directly the trial values-fairness, justice and efficiency. 法院的审判程序和审判机制直接关系到审判价值&公正和效率的实现。
Procuratorial organ's activities in the first instance, the second instance and the retrial indicate that it practically exercises functions of both public prosecution and trial supervision in criminal justice procedure. 检察机关在一审、二审及再审中的活动表明其在刑事审判中实际行使公诉和审判监督两种职能。
Through trial and the achievement of social order and orderly property ( property achieving relative stability of two-attributes), the realization of justice from injustice to the process, which we call the trial justice. 通过审判实现财产和社会秩序的有序(实现财产二重属性的相对稳定),实现从非正义到正义的过程,我们称之为审判正义。
Judicial justice is the supreme value target, including public trial, judicial justice and judicial independence. 司法公正是我们追求的最高价值目标,包括公开审判、司法独立和司法公正。
Procedural justice must be located in the goal which the Procedure to be achieved in order to guarantee judicial activities to achieve the unity of procedural justice and entity justice. Third, the paper describes the international standard of trial procedure justice rule. 必须将程序公正定位在程序中要实现的目标中,才能保证审判活动实现程序公正和实体公正的统一。第三,文章介绍了审判程序公正规则的国际标准。
Third, strengthen the function of the trial, ensure judicial justice, ensure trial quality. 第三、强化了庭审的功能,确保司法公正,确保庭审质量。
There are the phenomenon of emphasizing on the entity and despising the procedure in our country, but we must ensure the procedure justice in modern legal society. Therefore, it is vital significance to study trial procedure justice in our country. 我国的法律传统及司法现状中存在着重实体轻程序的现象,但是现代法治文明社会要求我们必须追求程序公正,因此研究审判程序公正在我国具有重要的意义。
Criminal trial of relations campaign to target the criminal trial of criminal justice and the value of setting goals for their chosen mode of preconditions. 刑事审判价值关系运动以刑事审判价值目标的设定和目标模式的选择为其前提条件。
Trial justice should include the trial entity justice and trial procedure justice, the two are unified. 审判公正应包括审判实体公正和审判程序公正,是二者的统一。
Trial-level system as the basic trial system props up procedural framework for trialing. It has very important significance and rich function to the trial independence and justice. 审级制度作为基本的审判制度和撑起诉讼程序的框架,对审判的独立和正义都具有十分重要的意义,有着丰富的功能。
The paper will focus on trial procedure justice in the criminal field. 本文研究的是刑事领域中的审判程序公正问题。
The formation of international standard of trial procedure justice is the internationalization process of the Common Law System procedure justice rule. 审判程序公正国际标准的形成,是英美法系程序公正原则的国际化过程。
Achieving substantial justice and procedure justice are the key point for the system of witness to testify in court. Therefore, it is significant for the trial of criminal justice to improve this system. 建立证人出庭作证制度的根本目的是为了在实现实体公正的同时实现程序公正,让正义能够以看得见的方式实现,因此该制度的设计与完善对于刑事司法审判公正的实现具有十分重要的意义。
The concentration of judicial power, the independent status of judges, a clear internal division of the Court and the progress in legal system were conducive to the trial and justice. 司法权高度集中,法官地位独立,法院内部分工明确以及律师制度的进步有利于案件的集中审理和司法公正。
Especially for the early intervention of legal events reported easy to form the "media trial", losing the judicial justice. 尤其是对法制事件的过早介入报道易形成媒介审判,失去司法公正。
Conviction and sentencing are the two major tasks of the criminal proceedings. And the accurate conviction and proper sentencing is to measure whether the criminal trial work is justice or not. 刑事诉讼活动主要由定罪与量刑两部分构成,刑事审判的公正是通过定罪准确与合理量刑来衡量的。